Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...

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Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Tioga23p »

I am learning that many traditional CBs are in some ways related. For example, Cobra used to have Uniden make their radios, and Uniden PC78s are similar to Cobra 29s, Uniden PC68s are similar to Cobra 25s, and so on.

What I am wondering is this: is the Galaxy DX949 a modern equivalent to the old side-mic Cobra 148s?

I would love it if I could by a new Cobra 148 that is as good quality and performance as the fabled Philly versions. Obviously, this isn't going to happen. Would the DX949 come close to meeting this standard?

I think I would really like an "old-tech," non-SMT radio. It's traditional, it works, it can be messed around with.

I'm frustrated! I missed the Golden Era!

Maybe the Uniden 980 and President Lincoln II represent the beginning of a new Golden Era, I don't know.

Your thoughts, please.

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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by 1206FL »

No the side mic 148's are totally different radio than the Galaxy 949 and also a way better radio IMO. The 148 will do much better than the Galaxy 949 in every aspect. JMO. Those old side mic 148's were and still are great radios.
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by MDYoungblood »

The Galaxy DX949 radio is a good performer and I would compare it equal to the Cobra 148's. You need to have a good alignment done, that means the receive section too, (not a cheap clip job), the same thing is needed for the new 148's. Yes there is a drift problem on SSB but the is remedied by doing the clarifier mod, modulation I think is better than the 148. I would recommend getting the freq counter that plugs into the back of the radio.


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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Tioga23p »

MDYoungblood wrote: I would recommend getting the freq counter that plugs into the back of the radio.
That's precisely why I'm interested in the 949, versus the 959... the extra digit that comes with the remote frequency counter should be helpful when on SSB.

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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Rabbit Ears »

The 949 and the 959 ARE drifto-matics. To say the least.

Rather recap, revamp, and realign an old classic Philly 148GTL Side-mic!! :icon_e_wink:
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by 1206FL »

148 all day over a galaxy drifter or I mean a 949. They are okay radios, the galaxy's, but aren't the best for SSB. Especially if you live where it gets cold in the winter. The pll circuit in that radio is temp controlled and will drift will change in temps from cold to warm and even when having long rag chews. They are great AM radios, but the 148 especially an older one will smoke it on SSB as far as stability. Newer radio, the optima mk3 has been a great radio for SSB for me. Not an am radio, but is a great SSB radio. And it's the only export to offer a 2nd filter for SSB. But hey if I had the choice between the Galaxy and cobra 148, 148 all day!!
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Deleted User 14541 »

Both are ok for SSB IMO. Some radios are worse than others but the old 148 and every other old CB set will drift until reason I never cared for SSB on 11 meters. If you want rock solid frequency stability get a new CPU controlled CB or buy an HF rig like an icom, yaesu or kenwood. I'll get flamed for this but if I was looking for a good ssb radio I wouldn't waste my time with a 148. There are too many better radios on the market these days.
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by MDYoungblood »

543 beat me to it, if your looking for a solid radio the Icom 703, 706 (all models) or a Kenwood TS-50 are the way to go, they can be found for a good price used. And at the same time study for your ham ticket so you can make use of all those other frequencies.


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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Tioga23p »

543FtWorth wrote:If you want rock solid frequency stability get a new CPU controlled CB...
The Uniden 980 is an example of this, right?
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Flash Gordon »

I've been listening to a DX949 station about 30 miles from here. The radio is stock but recently bench aligned and sounds very good both AM and SSB. Only complaint operator speaks of is noisy receive. Turning rf gain to about half and rx is acceptable. Drift is persistent issue with the Galaxy radios. In winter time (42 deg north), the drift issue in an automobile can easily extend beyond the stock clarifier range. Personally, I'd go with a 148GTL stamped "made in Taiwan R. O. C." recapped with a stock alignment. I checked several Galaxys and several 148s used as base stations. From cold to 2 hours on, Galaxys are over 500 Hz drift and 148s less than 100 Hz drift. The 148 receiver sounds way better than the Galaxy dx949 receivers. The 148s and older radios in general have higher quality parts than a dx949. Finding a good condition 148 can be difficult these days. Everybody wants one.
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Tioga23p »

Flash Gordon wrote:The 148s and older radios in general have higher quality parts than a dx949. Finding a good condition 148 can be difficult these days. Everybody wants one.
My problem is that I don't feel qualified to intelligently purchase a used radio. That's why I'm wanting to buy a new one as my first.

I would like it to have SSB capability... otherwise I would get a Cobra 29 LTD Classic Bluetooth or a Uniden PC78Elite (or LTW or XL...). It seems that those radios are still good performers and respected.

I am bummed that the tradition-style AM/SSB CBs, such as the Cobra 148 GTL and the Galaxys are not the greatest. I would LOVE a new 148 that is a good performer and high quality, but I guess that just doesn't exist. I like traditional things - their looks, their feel - but if there are sacrifices in useability, then it just isn't worth it. After all, it is a radio, and I want it to function, and perform well.

Perhaps a Uniden 980 is the best way for me to go for my first radio. My logic tells me that this is the way to go, but my heart isn't so convinced.
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Rabbit Ears »

Personally, for ruggedness..... my vote for a small radio is for the HR2510 with a nice Turner SSK!!

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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by 231 »

1206FL wrote:No the side mic 148's are totally different radio than the Galaxy 949 and also a way better radio IMO. The 148 will do much better than the Galaxy 949 in every aspect. JMO. Those old side mic 148's were and still are great radios.
I agree. While I've always liked the Galaxy radios, I will take my Philly made 148 or Uniden Grant (I have both) any day. The receiver on them is terrific and being I run mostly SSB just a nicely rounded performer IMHO.

I have to tell ya' though, I have also a Uniden 980SSB and it's receiver is nice too. I sure wish where were channel kits for it though.

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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by 1206FL »

A kenwood 480HX would be sweet!! 543 is right, for SSB, the newer cpu board radios are much more stable. Pretty well rock solid. As far as exports go for SSB, the optima mk3 gets my vote, paired with an icom hm36 mic. Other than that HF all the way for real SSB. I took the plunge and even though it's only on 11 meters I get my name called and lots of compliments on my audio on SSB with my icom 746. Best thing to do buying used if possible is to see the radio work before you buy it. I was able to pick between 2 746's when I got mine and had a chance to bring back if I didn't like. Got to use it before I bought it basically. This is the most ideal situation for buying used IMO. Shoot a new HF radio like a kenwood 480SAT can be had for a couple more bills than some exports. And will smoke any of them on SSB. If you really only talk SSB and am is not used much do like said and look for a good used HF radio.
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by 1206FL »

If it's your first radio the uniden 980 is a good SSB radio that for the money is hard to beat. Way better than the Galaxy IMO. They aren't powerhouses, but have clean, clear audio. Add a small amp and get your talk on!!
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Deleted User 14541 »

Tioga23p wrote:
543FtWorth wrote:If you want rock solid frequency stability get a new CPU controlled CB...
The Uniden 980 is an example of this, right?
I have not used a 980 but the few people I know that do say they are very stable. The only CPU controlled CB I have is a stryker 955. No drift, just turn it on and talk. Older ham rigs are usually top notch SSB radios but will need some work to be decent on AM. If you decide to buy one and use AM do plenty of research. Most cheap CB radios will sound better on AM than a stock ham rig.

These new radios use surface mount components so not a lot of techs will modify them. That's a good thing in my opinion. Just tune them to factory spec and get an amp if you need more power.
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by 1206FL »

Great info 543. The 980 is a good little radio. I was impressed to see that mine was dead on freq out of the box. Power output is not very much on am or SSB, but like you said, you want some power add a good little amp. I've also heard good things about the Stryker 955HP. The good thing about the 980 is it won't over drive most amps as power doesn't get much over 10 watts even on SSB. AM I get 8-10 watts on my rat shack meter from a 3 watt dk. SSB power is set to 8 watts. This seems to keep the final from getting hot. It gets audio reports of clean, clear audio. I use the older bearcat mic, silver face with the red lettering with it, a 2018 extreme mic and the wireless mic and all 3 sound good. I like the bearcat mic best TBO with it. Seems to have the best all around audio. To the poster, listen to what 543 has laid out as he is totally correct!
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Tioga23p »

A 980 it will be!

Thanks, all!

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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by Rabbit Ears »

Yeah, if money is tough, and it is your first one...... the Uniden 980 for sure!! :icon_e_wink:
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Re: Galaxy DX949 as a Philly 148 Substitute...


Post by MDYoungblood »

In reality the old Cobra radio's spent a lot more time (back then) on the manufacturer's tuning table than the new Galaxy radios (2005 or newer) ever did, if you compare the new model Cobras and Galaxys there isn't much of a difference. The other thing is there was a standard that was followed in selecting components back then compared to the robots that don't know the difference in a good or bad diode, transistor, etc., this practice has gotten better, new robots can test the component before it's installed.
Manufacturer's are also going to save every penny on components as they can (good or bad) and with shipping them across the big pond don't really care about performance or even quality, they let the seller deal with it. It is a different story with radios being shipped to those down under and Europe, if a couple bad radios make it to them the country puts a ban on that radio sale. The last statement is not specific but most stuff sold in the states is from one place.
I guess while everyone searches for a 148 Philly Cobra I'll be blowing smoke on the bands with my Texas Ranger TR-696FD1C (same board as a Galaxy).


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