homemade power mic

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homemade power mic


Post by dime196604 »

Is it possible to turn any mic into a power mic with some capacitors resistors and a battery? Or should i say can you turn regular mics into power mics and if so what would you need to do it? and how much work would have to go into it. I'm not looking for superb quality just like new projects
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Re: homemade power mic


Post by Sheriff Bart »

certainly there are kits to increase the modulation like the Lou Franklin compressor kit which compresses and affords volume control on the same board...but they're mainly for installation inside the radio as they require a 13.8V supply. Then you have to create a switching mechanism for turning the circuit on when you key and off when you unkey.
I'm sure that if you google the subject you can find a number of 9V projects, how you would built it into a mic though is something only trial and error could predict.
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Re: homemade power mic


Post by Night Crawler »

dime196604 wrote:Is it possible to turn any mic into a power mic with some capacitors resistors and a battery? Or should i say can you turn regular mics into power mics and if so what would you need to do it? and how much work would have to go into it.
Along with the capacitors ,resistors and battery add a transistor or IC here are a couple of examples.
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If your using a mic element other the Electret type such as a Dynamic ,Ceramic or Crystal leave out R1 in the schematics. I build the transistor type added a mic gain control and mounted it in a project box so it can be used with different microphones that one has about 10db of gain.
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Re: homemade power mic


Post by drdx »

Do you have any old mic mixers, audio stuff, or anything like that laying around? Long ago we used to always wire in those radio shack reverb units by just tapping into the mod and shield wires and using the reverb for effect and increased mic gain. You could do that with their little EQ's also. If you don't, you can get a mic cheaper than you can buy that stuff but I'm all about using what I have laying around when possible.

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