Good Mic = Low Mod???

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Joined: October 9th, 2009, 8:07 pm
Radio: Galaxy 73

Good Mic = Low Mod???


Post by NEMICB »

Maybe this is just something I've missed, but should I be seeing substantially lower modulation when going from a stock mic to a noise cancelling?

I've been working on getting my Superstar together. Has no variable pot for modulation. Swung okay with the stock mic. Tried a Ranger SR-158, a bit better. Wilson Noise cancelling, almost nothing. My oddball coffin-shaped NC mic(anyone identify?), almost nothing. Cut both suggested resistors. Now the SR-158 makes it hit 100%, along with the stocker. But the NC mics hit maybe 60 with me almost yelling into them. This will be in my pickup, so I think I'd need NC, but with the low modulation I'm not sure I wanna sound that small. What to do?
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