Opinions on Radio o use with a WW 2X4

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Opinions on Radio o use with a WW 2X4


Post by Doodad »

Got a choice to make here. I have 3 options as to which radio to put in front of a World-Wide 2X4. I love the echo/reverb and talk back of the 33. The 29 has a echo board but talk back is only fair. Both the 33 and 29 have been peaked/tuned.29 DK is 5w. The 25 is stock w/o modifications. I know they are all single final radios and the amp was bought for that reason. Will it make a difference which radio i use??? Preference is the 33.

Currently using the 33 with a 1X2 Fatboy. Dk 1.5w and letting it swing. Good reports on sound quality and great distance. Ears are only so-so. They can hear me and try to get back, I have to run around with the squelch turned off to hear long distance and even then they are barley audible above the noise. (7 miles plus)

Do you think I should be using the 29/25? Will I gain anything? Just second guessing!

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Post by Doodad »

Wrong forum. Thought I was in General. Mods, Could You please move to appropriate section.

Thanks, Dan
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Posts: 1,306
Joined: February 9th, 2007, 8:13 pm
Handle: Preacherman
Real Name: Bob
Call Sign: K0EIR
Radio: Cobra 29, Lincoln, Magnum


Post by preacherman »

You didn't say what kind of vehicle or antenna setup and that's
important because it impacts your receive so much.
I'd probably go with the Galaxy although I'm a big Cobra 29 fan.
I say that because having extra frequency options. If that isn't
important to you, the receive on a 29 may be just a bit better
with less background noise. It will also have better adjacent
channel rejection.

If you modded the 29 with a 1969 or better yet a mosfet, it
will talk right with the 33 and will drive the daylights out of
that W.W. 2X4.

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Post by Doodad »

Sorry for the lack of info

This setup is in an otr Volvo. I'm using a single Wilson 5000 with 1:1 swr on channel 19. Took the time to make sure everything was good-to-go for the Fatboy.
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