Can a amp kill a cable box

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Deleted User 30222

Can a amp kill a cable box


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

I've noticed over the last 2 days that when i have my amp on, my computer keyboard and a cable box go dead. Now the cable box is in the next bedroom to my antenna. My keyboard is down by my radio. And the keyboard is not wireless. Anybody ever have something like this happen before. Or is it finally time to put my antenna up in the attic. Although hate to go through the trouble and have the same issues. Help please.
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Post by Gunner357 »

whats it do shut off or scramble the channels
Yaesu FT920 (KE8PSI)
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Cobra148 GTL w/ channel expansion
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Deleted User 30222


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

Gunner357 wrote: August 9th, 2020, 7:14 pm whats it do shut off or scramble the channels
It shuts down the box
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Radio: Yaesu FT920,Galaxy 88hl, Galaxy 99v, Cobra148gtl modded, Cobra 29ltd chrome


Post by Gunner357 »

your probably hitting the remotes frequency when keying up try pulling the batteries in the remote My amp in my truck kicks off the engine light
Yaesu FT920 (KE8PSI)
Galaxy 99v
Cobra148 GTL w/ channel expansion
Cobra 29ltd Chrome
Magnaforce 350
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Post by jessejamesdallas »

My computer and radio gear are all right on top of each other, and the DISH Network box is about 10 feet away...

Never had any wobbly lines in the picture on the TV or on the computer monitor....

But then again, no golden screwdrivers have ever been inside my radios either...


I don't know where you have your antenna...but it really needs to be outside...That's where I keep mine!
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Post by MDYoungblood »

With the way you have it set up you are being bombarded with stray RF. First try a choke at the antenna, (5 wraps of coax about 4 1/2" diameter) right at the feedpoint. You can try snap beads (type 31 mix) on the USB cables for the keyboard and mouse, it takes 6 for 27mhz. Last, everything needs to be grounded. I'm not saying all these will cure the problem but might help eliminate some of it.


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Deleted User 30222


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

I have a rf choke at the antenna, so good there. I will try the beads today. As far as grounding. Where my main water pipe comes in the house, there is a grounding rod right next to the pipe. Can i use that for grounding. Or will people get Electrocuted while showering.

PS: Should i also put beads on the cable box. And they would go on the power cord...correct?
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Post by MDYoungblood »

I use the water service line as my ground for the stuff in the house, it is copper pipe all the way to the meter, about 100ft. I connected the water pipe outside to my grounding system which is eight 8ft copper clad rods drove into the ground in various places around my house, all connected together with a copper wire about a 1/2" in diameter. I keep the electrical ground separate from the electronic ground but they do cross paths outside.
As far as the cable box, look at the way the coax for it is ran, should have a ground/surge arrestor hooked to it, a couple of snap beads right at the box wouldn't hurt, check to make sure it is the box and not the TV.


"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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Deleted User 30222


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

Ok, have my radio and amp grounded to the water line. Now have beads on the keyboard cable. Will put beads on the box in a bit and test it all out.
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