Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955

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Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by Ringo Unit »

Well hello everyone, I hope all is well. I thought I would update yall with a change I made in the vehicle. I've been running the Magnum 257 for almost a year I guess, and its been a great little radio. However, I thought I would try the Stryker 955 in the mobile just for giggles and what a surprise. The ANL on the 955 eliminates ALL of the annoying engine noise/alternator whine. Its so quiet in the cab now...its so nice. I think I'll leave it in for a while and keep testing it. Anyway, have a great night and be safe.......Ringo.
Yaesu Ft450, FT2900, Vx7r, FT857D, Icom ID51a, Icom ID31a, Icom ID800, Magnum 257HP, Stryker SR-955HPC

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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by 231 »

Hi Ringo...congrats' on the new radio. I like the 257 myself. I had not heard their ANL being ineffective before though? Interesting for sure.

Let us know how it goes and the audio reports folks give you. I love radios with good receivers (and good filtering) but not at the expense of having horrible transmit audio. Some of the exports make my ears bleed...and the 257's I've heard (at least on SSB) have almost always had terrific audio.

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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by Ringo Unit »

Hey 231, yes sir, I always got great reports with my 257. Its a fine radio and I especially like the memories. Anyway, I thought I would try the Stryker for a while.

I dont think the ANL is ineffective on the 257 as much as its just not as effective as the 955's. It really eliminates ALL the noise and its a pleasure to ride in the truck now. I think Fords are supposed to be bad anyway (with engine noise or alternator whine, whatever they call it), but all that noise is gone now! :biggrin:
Yaesu Ft450, FT2900, Vx7r, FT857D, Icom ID51a, Icom ID31a, Icom ID800, Magnum 257HP, Stryker SR-955HPC

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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by 1206FL »

The magnum just has a very sensitive receive it seemed to me with mine anyway. A "hot" rx that picked up everything, but also was good for dx because of this when the area you are in is quiet that is. No stop lights and cars all around and such. Still a good radio though!!
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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by Deleted User 14541 »

I've found the 955 rx is very sensitive. I rarely have the rf gain turned up past 3 o'clock.
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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by silvereagle1 »

Did magnum make the radio shack HTX-10. The 257 looks just like it.
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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by 1206FL »

No I don't believe they did silvereagle1. They look the same. Maybe magnum took the look of the HTX if anything. But I don't think RF limited made the radio shack HTX-10. I could be wrong though.
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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by MDYoungblood »

Hey SE1, these all share the same chassis,

Albrecht AE458
Albrecht AE5800
Comanche BlackHawk
Comtex CS-6000DX
Dragon SS485
Dragon SS485H
Dragon H-485P
Jopix Itaca
Landmatic 557 100W
Magnum 257
Magnum 257HP
Magnum 357DX 150W
Magnum 457DX250W
Radioshack HTX-10
Storm Tornado SSB
Titan Roadpro RPSY-485
Yeticomnz Optima
Yeticomnz Optima MKII
Yeticomnz Optima MKIII

The only difference was the RS HTX-10 can't be modded to 11m like the internet mods say, RS circuitry was very strict to stay FCC compliant.
The 955 is a great sounding radio, got a local that has one and he talks on it 24/7. I personally don't care much for the flashy lights, talkback, echo, and multiple roger beeps but the other "real" radio features are very nice.


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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by silvereagle1 »

I noticed on "most" of the ham forums that the radio shack 10 meter radio is the only "10 meter radio" that is really excepted as "ham" equipment out of all the 10 meter radios made. If the radio is listed as "amateur" but then has channels it is considered as CB junk that dirties up the airways on the 10 meter band. I may post a topic on that because the system itself forces new technicians to buy these 10 meter radios because they are allowed access to a portion of the 10 meter band. HF rigs cost a lot of money and a technician is only allowed 28.300 to 28.500 SSB so a true HF rig is not really an realistic option. So with that said what is a newly excited technician going to do? He/she is going to Purchase a 10 meter radio so he/she can talk HF. I'll cut it short but the same system/people that hates these 10 meter radios are actually part of the problem by allowing technicians to have access to a small portion of 10 meters when the only purchasing option is these "outlaw" radios to purchase. I see a topic on this upcoming.
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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by theglide »

Speaking of Ford pickup electrical noise, I know about it as I have a 2009 Ranger. What is perplexing is the AM radio that is part of the AM/FM/CD package from the factory is so darn quiet. Why?
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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by MDYoungblood »

theglide wrote:Speaking of Ford pickup electrical noise, I know about it as I have a 2009 Ranger. What is perplexing is the AM radio that is part of the AM/FM/CD package from the factory is so darn quiet. Why?
Looks like a good topic to me, has been covered before, you could look using the "Advanced Search" in the upper right corner.


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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by theglide »

Will do YB. It seems if we duplicated the filtering(?) or grounding our CB radios would be very quiet. It's something Ford does because I've been in other cars where the AM radios were noisy (wife's 2004 Hyundai Sonata) as an example. When I installed the CB in my truck, I figured if I powered it from the radio fuse it might be quiet. It didn't work out that way, so I put ferrite beads on the spark plug wires and antenna wire, didn't help much. Now I just quiet it by using the RF gain and NB/ANL filtering combos, which works pretty good.
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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by Ringo Unit »

Well, I've had the Stryker in the mobile now for over a month and I'm really happy with it so far. Everything is working as it should be. It has great receive and does a fantastic job of removing the ignition interference. Im only getting about 60 watts out of it in the mobile, but everyone says its sounding great and more importantly....clear. I suppose I'll leave it alone for now.

Talked to South California, Coasta Rica, and Lanzarote (north Africa) this afternoon with the Stryker on 10meters USB.

Just thought I would update yall. Kevin. :biggrin:
Yaesu Ft450, FT2900, Vx7r, FT857D, Icom ID51a, Icom ID31a, Icom ID800, Magnum 257HP, Stryker SR-955HPC

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Re: Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by dancrosoft »

theglide wrote:Will do YB. It seems if we duplicated the filtering(?) or grounding our CB radios would be very quiet. It's something Ford does because I've been in other cars where the AM radios were noisy (wife's 2004 Hyundai Sonata) as an example. When I installed the CB in my truck, I figured if I powered it from the radio fuse it might be quiet. It didn't work out that way, so I put ferrite beads on the spark plug wires and antenna wire, didn't help much. Now I just quiet it by using the RF gain and NB/ANL filtering combos, which works pretty good.
glide you have PMs turned of so I am quoting you here. Please let me know if you find anything regarding the Ford noise. I am in the process of a noise fight now with my 2011 F150. Making good progress so far but more info is always a good thing :)
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Replaced Magnum 257 with Stryker 955


Post by 1206FL »

Check all grounds under the hood for good conductivity. I've seen paint under many a ground under the hood of my old work van. I must have found 10-15 that had paint under the connection. Had to take all down to bare metal and add no-ox. Also bonding the exhaust helped. I didn't bond the other things like hood, doors, and such as it was a work truck and not mine. The exhaust was an easy job. Clamp to exhaust and take strap to frame bolt. Also adding an inline noise filter at the power of the radio and alt. might help and. A 25amp noise filter at the radio and one at alt. and a 100A at the alternator. Here are a couple photos of ones. [img][Please login or register to view this link][/img][img][Please login or register to view this link][/img]
Hope you get your issue resolved.
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