Add one to the list SuperWackPacked General "Smooth as

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Add one to the list SuperWackPacked General "Smooth as


Post by SmallTruckBigRadio »

While using the SuperWackPacked General Lee for just a few weeks, I have accumulated a large and growing list of compliments on its sound quality.

The newest one, is one that I didn't think could be given to a mobile. Especially from a user group of old timers on base stations. I have always thought of a mobile talking with base stations to sound like a duck among songbirds.

While chatting on ch 17 near Louisville Kentucky, I got an unsolicited "That radio sounds as smooth as silk" to add to the list.

And the list goes like....
Smooth as silk
Crystal Clear
Walking the Dog, Kicking the Cat, and Smoking (at the same time)
Loud and Clear
That radio sounds good.
...I wish I had a big radio....
Where's the big radio?
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Great! Im getting ready to add testimonials to my website, can I add yours?
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Post by Mississippifrog »

Mr.RadioActive wrote:Great! Im getting ready to add testimonials to my website, can I add yours?
Mr RA this site is full of testimonials which is proof you do great work.

I know you did not ask but feel free to use any of the good reviews I've posted about Radio Active Radios on your site.
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

great thank you, Id like to do that frog!
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Post by SmallTruckBigRadio »

Yes, of course.

No need to ask in the future. I expect there will be more. I can't be more handsome or younger but I can operate a radio that gets compliments!
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Post by Glorfendill »

Heads up, I know I haven't bought one from you yet, but i've said it before and I'll say it again. I Intend to remedy that situation soon! (about 2 more weeks now to be precise) when I do get that sucker feel free to put up any coments I post about the service of you and your radios.
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Most of the ppl I talk to on the radio are on bases and most are running 1K or more. I have talked to most of them and when I get a good contact they have had nothing but praise for my radio. I have been talking to one friend who lives about 25 miles from me and I have been crusing as far as 40 miles from him and talking clear and recieving clear ! With a mobile and moving all I can say is WOW !

Now, I have had some mobiles talk down to me, one today said it was squeeling but 3 more said it was " Cristal clear " so I think he just didnt understand the difference between a squeel and his needle slappin so hard it was makin the noise !
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Post by SmallTruckBigRadio »

If his receive / AGC circuit is turned up too high like a certain "Galaxy Sirius" I happen to own. I would blame your TOO LOUD radio rather than mine also.
Are you running talkback?
Are you running you printer while talking? :shocked: Yes Phaze has a printer in his truck.

Which radios are you looking at? Just curious.
Cool Avatar, by the way.
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