Need Help: Mobile Install Questions....

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Need Help: Mobile Install Questions....


Post by BG »

ok guys, i have been running my connex right off the cig lighter...yes, yes, i know...i am a big dummy. anyway, since i just added a SWP General Lee and a Connex 4300 to my collection, I know its time to run some good wiring straight to the battery to get juice to these big rigs. so, couple questions:

1. I have run a 12 gauge power wire to the battery thru the firewall...Can I also run the 12 guage ground all the way to the battery? Is there any problem with doing it this way? It just seemed easier.

2. If running the ground all the way to the battery, does it need a fuse on it just like the power wire? or does only the power wire need a fuse?

Let me know....I am excited about finally having some good juice running to my radios...especially with these two new BEASTS I picked up thanks to Terry in Ft. Worth.

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Post by treetall »

no fuse on ground not needed. yep run ground straight to battery. sounds like you got a good mobile cookin. alrighty then im gone
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Post by Foxhunter »

12 AWG is a little on the small side unless your wires are REALLY short, I'd think 8 AWG would really help prevent voltage-drop but it's just a suggestion.

Fuse within 12" of the battery and no more. I personally would also fuse the ground wire as well (and I do). Just this past week I only noticed a problem develop in a radio set-up because I began blowing fuse(s) on the ground wire only. I won't know what it is until I get to the shop but I wouldn't have discovered it so early if not for the ground fuse. What if by some chance the wires should come in contact with each other or the wires reversed? Stranger things have happened. An extra fuse will let you rest knowing your nice equipment is under protection. Not trying to step on any toes, it's not necessary if you don't want to.

I've found it best to keep the +/- wires both the same AWG and length------and as heavy as possible within reason. The use of grommets lining the hole thru the firewall is well-advised (prevents cutting/chaffing). A 12" section of wire loom (at minimum) where they pass thru the firewall would also be an easy safety precaution. If you buy a section of it do the whole length. Just a couple of thoughts for starters that if you did think about doing now would be a good time to consider---------Foxhunter
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Post by BG »

thanks for the help guys....install is going well. BG
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Post by Shaft »

12 gauge wire is good for handling up to about 10 amps. For a General Lee that's fine. But not for a Connex 4300. I strongly recommend you use 8 ga. for that.

The only time I have ever fused a ground wire was for cosmetic reasons in a show car. Fusing the ground wire isn't necessary because if it short circuits to any metal in the car, that metal is already ground and the current will just continue to flow through the car back to battery.

Fusing the + to the battery is definitely a must and like Foxhunter said, do it within 12" from the battery.
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