Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!

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Cotton Mouth

Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by Cotton Mouth »

Lets talk and show some pictures of some Amplifiers that you have owed back in the days, 70's and 80's and which ones you liked best.

Myself I have always had great luck with the Messenger Amplifiers as well as others but the Messenger Amplifiers have always been my favorite.

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Jonh Boy Amplifiers too:

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Skull Craka:

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Original Dave Made:

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Thats just a few I have aowd and still own.

Darrin/Cotton Mouth
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Cotton Mouth

Re: Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by Cotton Mouth »

I forgot to mention another Amplifier that I liked as well and that was the Sweet 16 as we all know about those Boxes.

Darrin/Cotton Mouth.
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Deleted User 14541

Re: Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by Deleted User 14541 »

Did you do the pinstripe on the davemade or did they used to come with it? You'll have to forgive my ignorance...I'm just young and don't know any better. :lol:
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379 stringbean
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Re: Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by 379 stringbean »

Cotton Mouth,you have no idea how many times Ive looked at your ad with that 2k in it.Ive always wanted one and thats without a doubt the finest one Ive seen in many years.If times were diferent for me,it would be mine!!!
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Cotton Mouth

Re: Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by Cotton Mouth »

The Pin Stripping was on it when I recieved the Amp. That is how the amp looks to this day. I don't think it was a cheap Pin Stripping job as it seems like something that was maybe baked on cuz its thick and very hard pin stripping, no sticker or whatever you call it.

The Messenger Amplifiers were always my favorite for what needed, as back in the days when I was just learning and getting into this hobby I had a ol timmer that lived near me and he was the onlt one in my are that I could always hear real good in my recieve and one day or evening there was nobody on the air but him and I and I was always to shy to jump in and talk to the guys out there afraid my radios wouldn't sound as good as theirs did, so when I knew it was just the two of us I keyed up and asked for a radio check and he came back to me saying i was doing a great job there little feller and what kind of radio are you talking to me on he said and I come back to him with my dads radio, LOL he said do you know what kind of radio that is your dads that you are talking on, and I said I don't know for sure I will have to ask my dad. After i said that I had about 5 other guys key up wanting to know the samething so I keyed back up when it was my turn and asked them why is it you all want to know what kind of radio I'm talking on? Do you only talk to cetain people who have a cetrain radio I asked. They came back and said oh no that's not it son it's just We all wish our radios saounded as good as your does is all ad they said you can come talk with us anytime you can get a chance to. I said I will be right back and I will go ask my dad what kind of a radio this is.
Well when I come back to tell them all the news and key the mic back up and said my dad said its a President radio and he usually runs it with a MV4 and I told the guys I didn't know what that means for sure and shortly after that I hade all kinds of guys keying up and talking to me.

Cotton Mouth.
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Cotton Mouth

Re: Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by Cotton Mouth »

Sorry about the break there but for some reason it wouldn't let me type any more so I had to start over here. Anyways my dad never really used the radio anymore as he was always too busy so he set it up in the house for me to talk on beings I had better luck with guys willing to talk to me, thats when I found out what a MV4 was and for those who don't know what a MV4 is, I'ts a Amplifier messenger made back in the days that they called the MV4 and it was a screamer back than. When dad first told me the radio was a President radio with a MV4 at first I thought he was just joking with me and I took it like it was the Presidents radio at one time and the MV4 was a Gun cuz my dad always had all kinds of guns around in his truck in the back window under the seat and all over the house and alot of time he even carried one concealed.
Anyway to make a long story short that was how I got hooked and than I wanted a bigger box and so I called Messenger and that was when they were going to make the 2K so I saved every dime I could to buy one and than once I got it I never thought about how I was going to power it so it sat on the Shelf for a couple years before I had the money to get a big enough power supply to power the 2K.
So you could say that the Messenger Amplifiers are my favorite all around good amps to own.

Darrin/Cotton Mouth
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Re: Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by Glazierman »

ever seen one of these ???
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North Texas Mudduck
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Re: Amplifiers back in the day's!!!!!


Post by North Texas Mudduck »

this is one beast right here back in the day
now days its just a driver
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A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone
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